Fast Fashion & the Environment.

Drawn in by the endless racks of fast fashion, each piece whispering promises of style and gratification.

But behind the carefully curated displays and glossy magazine spreads lies a dark truth – a tangled web of environmental and ethical costs – often unseen – yet deeply woven into every fleeting trend.

Let’s peel back the curtain and expose the true price tag of our love affair with cheap clothing.

From water-guzzling cotton farms to chemical-laden dyeing processes, every stage of fast fashion’s lifecycle leaves a deep environmental scar. Dyeing rivers crimson, polluting waterways, and depleting freshwater resources – these are just a few of the hidden costs woven into the fabric of your cheap T-shirt.

Beyond the environmental harm lies the human cost.

Fast fashion thrives on cheap labor, exploiting workers in developing countries, where they toil in unsafe conditions for minuscule wages. Child labour, forced overtime, and inhumane treatment are tragically common, hidden from the eyes of consumers, yet woven into every item at bargain-basement prices.

So, what can we do to step off the fast fashion train and towards a more conscious, ethical wardrobe?

The answer lies in embracing slow fashion and sustainable product.

Invest in quality, timeless pieces made from sustainable materials and support ethical brands that prioritise fair labour practices, and environmental responsibility.

Resist the impulse buys and fleeting trends. Invest in pieces you’ll cherish for years to come, not disposable trends that end up in landfills. By consciously choosing where we spend our money and supporting ethical brands, we can rewrite the narrative of fashion, transforming it from a force of environmental and social harm into a positive force for good.


We use independent certification bodies to conduct audits against globally recognised best practice social & environmental standards, to ensure that our suppliers are manufacturing in a socially & environmentally responsible manner. These certifications can be found in our sustainability hub here.

We also offer sustainable end-of-life management for any & all of our products, should they ever get to that point.